



Summer is just around the corner and it’s important to remember your roof when the temperatures start to rise.  There are many factors that can make the summer months a particularly rough time for your home’s roof. Between the heat, intense sunshine, and potential thunderstorms and winds, your roof takes quite a beating during the summer.  There are several things you need accomplish we get too far into the summer, and it’s too late! To keep your roof in the best shape possible over the coming months, our team has put together this short list detailing several of the important steps you can take now to prepare your roof for the summer ahead.

Clean Your Gutters

You may not give them much thought but your home’s gutters provide a critical function for your home and help to keep your roof protected. However, they can only do so when they are free and clear of dirt, leaves, and debris. Much of the debris and dirt that ends up in your gutters tends to come down during the summer months, including things like twigs, dust, small rocks, leaves, and any branches or storm debris that might find its way there with the help of the wind. All of this adds up to prevent your gutters from functioning like they should, and that can mean big issues if a severe storm rolls through the area. If your gutters are clogged, that water could wind up pooling on your roof, seeping into your attic, or the added weight of the water in your gutters may actually cause them to tear away from your home, resulting in a  great deal of damage to your home in the process. Now is the time to get up there and make sure that your gutters are completely clear and clean, and if don’t feel comfortable doing so, you can always call us in to take care of the job for you.

Check Your Roof for Missing Shingles or Tiles

The changing temperatures during the winter and spring months can cause the tiles and shingles on your roof to loosen, and when this happens, the vulnerable underlayer of your roof can become exposed to the elements. This can lead to serious issues as these are prime spots for leaks to occur, and water damage cleanup isn’t something you want to add to your Summer to-do list. Water damage can bring a wide variety of issues with it, including mold and mildew growth, which can be extremely difficult to remedy once it has set in. Now, while summer is still heating up, is the time to get up on your roof, or call AllPoint, and take a look around for any areas where the shingles or tiles of your roof might have come loose during the year. If you see any issues, it is recommended that you get them repaired as quickly as possible, or you easily find yourself with water pouring into areas of your home that you don’t want it.

Get an Inspection

A professional inspection is one of the best forms of preventative maintenance that you can invest in for your roof, especially if it’s approaching 20 years or older. The summer months are a prime time to schedule these inspections, and we will be able to help you with all of the various tasks you need to perform to ensure that your roof is ready to weather the Summer, and to remain in the best condition while doing so. Call us to find out more today!